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This forum provides a space for development planners, experts, researchers, and stakeholders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) National Planning Entities (NPEs) to discuss, share, and harness knowledge directed towards realising an industrialised regional economy that utilises its natural resources sustainably.
This forum provides a space for development planners, experts, researchers, and stakeholders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) National Planning Entities (NPEs) to discuss, share, and harness knowledge, directed toward the economic transformation of the SADC region, through front-loading industrialisation in the context of evolving technologies, infrastructure development, and regional integration.
This forum provides a space for development planners, experts, researchers, and stakeholders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) National Planning Entities (NPEs) to discuss, share, and harness knowledge directed towards achieving peace, security, and political stability, which are essential for socioeconomic development in the SADC region.
This forum provides a space for development planners, experts, researchers, and stakeholders of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) National Planning Entities (NPEs) to discuss, share, and harness knowledge, directed toward the social and human capital development, by ensuring that socio-economic development is achieved in a human-centered, inclusive, and sustainable manner.